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What is Hypnobirthing?

 It is designed to empower you as the birth couple or solo mum-to-be to have a positive birth experience. It will enable you to become confident, calm and feel more in control as you approach birth as well as throughout the birth process.


It's an enjoyable, complete antenatal birth preparation course that works effectively to reduce the fear of childbirth, allowing you as the birth couple or solo mum-to-be to look forward to your baby’s birth. Practicing hypnobirthing greatly increases the likelihood of you viewing your birth positively whether or not you choose to use pain relief.


It will give you the right knowledge and tools by helping you to understand the physiology of the body, giving you greater confidence during pregnancy as well as birth. I will show you how to work with your body rather than against it and support you in whatever choices you make in your baby’s birth, where ever or how ever you choose that to be. 

It teaches deep relaxation techniques so you feel connected with your baby, in tune with your body and able to ignore distractions during labour/birth. Additionally, hypnobirthing teaches you as the birth couple or solo mum-to-be tools to make informed decisions about pregnancy, labour and birth so you feel equipped to assert your rights and choices.

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