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​​ Why would you invest in a hypnobirthing course? 

When I was pregnant I did everything I could to avoid thinking about the actual birth. I kept in mind thoughts that: "I am designed to give birth". "Millions of pregnant people have babies everyday". "My body will know what to do". Well ... yes all these thoughts were true but as I got closer towards my third trimester I began to FEEL differently about birth and felt I need to confront some of those feelings. Feelings of being: worried, anxious, scared about the amount of pain and wonder about whether I could actually DO it. This is when fear began to set in about the unknown and I started a hypnobirthing course. You may be thinking and feeling the same way I did but are also skeptical about how it helps.


So, let's think about it ... for most of us our bodies are designed to 'do' lots of things, e.g. go through job interviews, run a marathon or get in the car and drive to a new place. These things, just like giving birth, all have an end result - usually we are hoping for a successful or happy one. But, how would we feel if we just got up one day and attempted them without any preparation, research or knowledge? How may this affect how we feel about the end result? for example:


  • How likely are we to be successful at interview if we didn't do any research into the company we had applied to? 

  • How comfortable would we feel in our body if we attempted a marathon but didn't do any body conditioning work or running training beforehand?

  • How likely would we be to reach our journey destination successfully without using a map or setting the sat nav?


So yes we could, like birth, attempt these things because for most of us our bodies are designed to be able to 'do' them but, how would it leave you feeling during and afterwards? Our minds are so powerful over our bodies and the chances are we would feel similar to how I felt in my pregnancy. If you are feeling this way too, please know that you are not alone. Hypnobirthing is the art of transforming the mind. It is full antenatal birth preparation so you go into birth feeling knowledgeable, prepared, informed and more comfortable than before. It also gives you the tools to process the feelings about your birth post-partum.


How does Hypnobirthing help you to have an easier more comfortable birth?


Hypnobirthing is based on the work of Dr Grantly Dick-Read over 60 years ago. His work with labouring people led to the conclusion that 95% of labour pain is a result of tension and fear. He felt this could be reduced through fear release and relaxation. Hypnobirthing works by breaking the fear-tension-pain cycle so that the labouring person relaxes. When a pregnant person is deeply relaxed their body softens, it opens, time goes by more quickly and they block out other distractions. This can lead to an easier, more comfortable and enjoyable experience.


This means that Hypnobirthing helps you work with your body rather than against it. Your hormones can work more effectively so that your body can labour as it is designed to. Hypnobirthing helps you develop a positive mindset so that you can understand what is within and what is outside of your control. This allows you to have the best, most comfortable experience with powerful tools and techniques however your birth goes as well as where ever it takes place.


​What are the benefits of Hypnobirthing?

  • Allows you as the birth couple or solo pregnant person to release fears of childbirth, enabling a calmer more relaxed pregnancy and birth.


  • Increases the likelihood of a calm un-medicated birth (this may or may not be something that is important to you. Or it may not be something that is medically possible for you).


  • Can reduce the length of your labour.


  • Gives you as the birth couple or solo pregnant person increased confidence to ask health professionals questions and become more informed about interventions that may be discussed with you as you near meeting your baby. This enables you to feel that you have more control over the process.


  • It's wonderful for birth partners too ('birth partner' refers to the person you as the pregnant person, chooses to be present at your baby's birth - however, you may choose not to have anyone). It equips them with useful ways to support you and shows them techniques which aid relaxation for you, making them feel part of the process reducing that feeling of being a ‘spare part’ during labour and birth.


  • It teaches a wonderful skill for life! The ability to quickly become relaxed and at ease, which is useful in a wide variety of situations. I still use it now, when my toddler is having a meltdown!

Why choose Happy Birth Coach and what is included?

  • The Group in-person hypnobirthing Masterclass course is held at a relaxing and comfy studio in Taunton for birth couples or solo pregnant people. The course is delivered across 2x 2 hour sessions. 


  • The Group online hypnobirthing Masterclass course is held on Microsoft Teams for birth couples or solo pregnant people. The course is delivered across 2x 2 hour sessions.


  • The 1:1 hypnobirthing Masterclass course is held in the comfort of your own home or online alongside your birthing partner (where relevant) and myself. The course is delivered as 2x 2-2.5 hour sessions at times/dates to suit you. 


  • All sessions will include open discussions and interactive learning which promotes a shared experience avoiding that feeling of being 'talked at'.


  • Courses are delivered by me, your local hypnobirthing specialist who is familiar with the local hospital trust guidelines and policies in maternity care. Please see the dropdown menu here If You Are Pregnant | Happy Birth Coach for full course content details.


  • The group sizes are kept small within the hypnobirthing masterclass course.​


  • Group courses offer the opportunity to meet and connect with other pregnant people and their birth partners who live locally to you.


  • There is opportunity to ask questions as and when you have them from when your course begins up until the arrival of your baby.


  • There are options to add on a power hour(s) for further 1:1 dedicated support (additional charge). 


No push sales or hidden extras - all prices are also inclusive of the below:


  • ​A Hypnobirthing workbook (emailed PDF for group clients and a physical copy for 1:1 clients)

  • Downloadable MP3s.

  • Relaxation scripts.

  • Refreshments and snacks during the sessions (in-person).

  • 2x Mini Masterclass pre-recordings with PDF guides - pain relief options & birth planning

  • Recordings of the live masterclass if an online client.

  • A welcome pack (1:1 clients).

  • Access to 'From Champers to Pampers', local in-person coffee mornings/evenings.




When is the ideal time to take a hypnobirthing course?

​Hypnobirthing courses are suitable for all stages of pregnancy. There is no definitive 'best; time to take a course. I would recommend the earlier the better for taking a course as this gives you the maximum amount of time to put the techniques into practice.


You can also then make the most of taking time to enjoy some Pregnancy Relaxation Sessions | Happy Birth Coach As well as taking advantage of coming along to the included Pregnancy coffee mornings | Happy Birth Coach | Taunton

However, as the Happy Birth Coach course is a masterclass taking only 3 hours, please do not worry if you come to hypnobirthing in the later stages of your pregnancy. It will still be hugely beneficial for you and your birth partner (where relevant) as there is no such thing as being 'too late' for antenatal education. 

If you would like to have a free, no obligation call with me to decide which course feels best suited to you, please click below. Alternatively click below to book onto a course. 

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